Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Music Heilman: Music Video review.

Let's go Canadian for installment #1.

Marianas Trench ft. Jessica Lee - Good To You.

The video begins with Jessica walking into a empty and messed up dining room at a local club, and looking around rather blankly, realizing the man trying to help her (Marianas Trench lead singer Josh Ramsay). This begins a flashback, and also begins the song.

The band are situated on the stage in the local club, with Ramsay playing the piano. The story begins with the night club full to capacity (people having a good time, and drinks being served/shared). Ramsay, portrayed as a bartender, overlooks the situation, with nothing special happening.

The main attraction then appears on stage, Jessica Lee. She begins to sing on stage without incident. Josh notices both Jessica for her singing abilites, and her lovely looks. Then, without warning, a posse of black-suited men appear in the club, out for Jessica for reasons unknown. Eventually, she is dragged offstage by what appears to be the ringleader of the group. Ramsay, realizing what is happening, attempts to stop the men from taking Jessica, only to be pushed around by them all.

The men return, now out to remove Ramsay, at all costs. A massive fight breaks out, with all items being used as weapons. Eventually, the ringleader pulls out a gun, fires it in the air, then points it at a bloodies Ramsay. The rest of the group pulls the ringleader away, which starts up a massive stampede of people running out of the night club.

At this point in time, Jessica joins the band onstage and video ends with Jessica and Josh smiling at each other.

What It Means: If you have the passionate love for someone, you are willing to do anything for that person. The lyrics suggest how good you should be treated by your loved one, no matter the situation.

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